I realize its been a long time since I updated my Radio.Blog. Inspired by my sister in Christ, Julie, I've updated it with some soundtracks and a couple timeless classics.
1. Vespertilio - From the Batman Begins soundtrack. Intense, building themes from my favorite film composer Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. The titles of the tracks on this score are the Latin names of different species of bat.2. Molossus - Again from the Batman Begins soundtrack, this is the car chase, if I recall correctly. I've been working out to this lately.3. Stories for a Thousand Years - Hans Zimmer in a piece for a PBS TV show called Millennium.4. Main Title - Dune - Toto - Yes, THE BAND Toto you remember from the 80s. They did an awesome job for the soundtrack to the David Lynch film Dune, based on the book by Frank Herbert. Love the film or hate it, this soundtrack rocks.5. Take My Hand - Dune - Toto - The final selection from this great score. This song has a lot of personal meaning for me, and its a very emotional thing to listen to.6. Television - Ring 2 - End Titles from the sequel to the legendary scary movie. I've not seen either film, but again Hans Zimmer... I love this guy.7. ... can you guess? - This is a piece composed by David Arnold, a British composer. This is a piece from his second soundtrack from a 1990s Sci-Fi film. This is the End Titles from the film.8. In-a-gadda-da-vida - Iron Butterfly - This was artfully used in the TV film Manhunter, based on the Thomas Harris novel Red Dragon. This was later made into a more recent film. The original however was directed by Michael Mann of Miami Vice fame, in 1986. Mann has come to be a favorite director of mine, along with Ridley Scott, who have a very unique style to their direction. Mann seems to have been infected with neon during his Miami Vice days, I recently saw the film Heat starring Robert DiNero and Al Pacino and again noticed the starkness of Mann's direction. Needless to say, this song, by Iron Butterfly, has a whole lore of its own...9. Blue Sky Mine - Midnight Oil -from the album Blue Sky Mine - These last two selections are not used in any films to my knowledge, however they've been influential to me both by the Aussie band known affectionately as the "Oils". First is Blue Sky Mine, this song was my introduction to the Oils back in the late 80s. Little did I know there was a huge collection of fantastic work by them previously. I've seen the Oils in concert a couple of times, prior to Peter Garrett's leaving (the lead singer). Both in concert and recorded, the Oils were a force to be reckoned with. I often find myself belting these songs out at the top of my lungs whenever I hear them played.10. Dead Heart - Midnight Oil - While I don't specifically agree with what's said in this song, one cannot help but sing it none-the-less. Garrett, the former lead singer of the band, was always politically active in his home nation of Australia, he's since left the band to be come a member of the Austrailian Parliament. The bald giant was an impressive sight on the concert stage... nothing quite prepares> you for the erratic motions of the man.
That's it for now. I'm sure there will be more to come in the future. I've got some stuff to say about this and about that, but as it is late... goodnight and good listening.
Because of bandwith issues, I've had to remove the radio.blog temporarily. - Micah